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  • Name: Sarah Lark
  • Age: 25
  • D.O.B : 28/01/83


Wednesday, 6 August 2008

A few Sarah icons

Hi :)

Kristin who runs kindly made some Sarah icons for me to post up on the blog - feel free to use whichever ones you like.

I may have a go at making some myself and post some more up. :)

Well I tried and here you go ...


Laur said...

Aww, they're lovely! I love the 4th one!

Kristin Nicole said...

I WISH I knew why that first one was being such a butthole. lol.

I've run out of if anyone wants any of a particular song let me know and I'll hop to it!

Julie said...

lol a butthole! I have no idea it just wouldn't work! haha.

Ive made some im going to add..

Derek said...

When I first saw her I thought she looked like Debbie Reynolds and in a way she still does.

Julie said...

Oh yeah - she does a little bit! :)